This week, the DPIC unveiled its new website, providing easier access to its resources on the death penalty and the state of capital punishment in this country.

The site also expands not only the amount of information provided by the non-profit organization, but how that data is presented.  From the DPIC release:

Among the most notable additions of the new website are 20 interactive Tableau graphics, including States With and Without the Death Penalty, Prisoners on Death Row, and a number of graphics on executions, exonerations, and grants of clemency. The graphics will allow users to filter information in a variety of new ways, including narrowing by year or range of years, geography, race, sex, and, for some graphics, race of victim. The website launch is the first reconceptualization of the DPIC website.

DPIC Tracking Hurst Relief Requests Before the Florida Supreme Court

Of note from a Florida capital case perspective is its page dedicated to Hurst v. Florida, providing not only background information on Hurst but keeping track of subsequent Florida Supreme Court decisions applying Hurst.

Last updated in April 2019, the DPIC is maintaining an online chart of all Florida Supreme Court decisions involving Hurst (see the chart here).  According to their figures, there were 297 cases before the Florida Supreme Court seeking relief based upon Hurst, with 139 prisoners being granted relief (approximately 47%) with 158 prisoners seeing their requests for relief denied by the state’s High Court (approximately 53%).

Terence Lenamon is involved in seeking Hurst relief this summer, advocating for inmate Michael Jackson.  For details, read our earlier post.

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