The Florida Capital Resource Center is non-profit and nonpartisan. Its goal is to assist attorneys throughout Florida who are representing indigent defendants facing the possibility of capital punishment.   

At the Florida Capital Resource Center, resources will be continually compiled by fellow Florida criminal defense attorneys and offered to Florida death penalty defense lawyers as a means to assist and support both their defense (guilt phase) and their mitigation (sentencing phase) of capital murder cases in Florida.

The purpose of the website to build an online presence for the Florida Capital Resource Center, and to assist the FCRC in its work, as it collects and disseminates top-quality legal resources as economically as possible to any and all Florida criminal defense lawyers that are defending capital cases. From the site:

"As counsel in nine death penalty trials and counsel in over sixty capital cases, I share your concerns about shortcomings in Florida’s capital litigation system, especially in light of critical budget shortfalls. Because of these concerns, I have formed a non-profit corporation, the Florida Capital Resource Center, to serve as an information source and clearinghouse for capital defenders in our State."
– Terence M. Lenamon, Executive Director

 Please take a moment and surf through the FCRC site, and send any comments or questions you may have.  Your thoughts are most welcome.