Tomorrow, our series on the China Death Penalty Vans continues. This horror is happening right now, and it’s amazing how this story is not being covered by the media. No one knows about this!!!
Searching this week for news stories on China’s growing industry in human organs with death penalty vans driving the villages for product, this piece appeared which gives gory details and even includes a photo of a condemned man entering one of the Death Vans.
Problem is, the newstory comes from Tibet. That’s right, little Tibet. Not Japan, or the US, Canada, Australia, England, France, Italy, New Zealand, Germany, India, … you get the idea.
Entitled “China’s hi-tech ‘death van’ where criminals are executed and then their organs are sold on black market,” and published by TibetCustom, this article gives some very good information including:
1. China isn’t the first to think of Death Vans. Nope. The NAZIS were using them back in WWII, killing people in sealed trucks with carbon dioxide they piped in from the exhaust (and yes, TibetCustom provides a photo of a Nazi Death Van).
2. The China Death Vans are designed and manufactured by Jinguan Auto, a Chinese auto maker. Jinguan Auto charges the Chinese government £60,000 for each vehicle. They can go as fast as 80mph and they are intentionally designed to look like an ordinary police vehicle out on the roads.
3. The vans are supposed to have video cameras inside, so that each execution is videotaped. Purportedly, this is to make sure that the death isn’t cruel or inhumane. Yeah, sure.
4. Undercover investigations are showing that not only the government, but the police and the doctors are making lots of money from these Death Vans.
5. “Organ Tourism” is a booming business in the Chinese border cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Weathy people from all over the world come to China, where they can get a kidney transplant for as little as $10,000.00. (According to the University of Maryland, in 2009 the cost of a kidney transplant (with the follow up med care for the first year after the surgery) was close to $100,000.00 here in the U.S. )