Pretty soon, looks like we’re all going to know the name Dan Frumkin. Who’s he?

Dan Frumkin is the author of an article in the respected journal Forensic Science International: Genetics where he writes that DNA evidence can be created in a lab – TOTALLY FABRICATED – and he warns that the real possibility of

Omar Loureiro will be tried a second time for the murder of a Lighthouse Point man who he had gone home with from a local bar: right now, he’s setting on Death Row for this crime.

In 2007, Loureiro was tried for first degree murder in the case, found guilty, and sentenced to death. Two

A few weeks ago, we posted about the Ohio death row case of Vietnam Vet Gary Cone, where the United States Supreme Court returned the case back to the lower courts for a fresh consideration of his sentencing after finding that 23 years ago, Cone’s due process rights had been violated because the prosecution withheld key evidence that was favorable to the defense – exculpatory evidence.

Sad to say, this happens all too often in this country.

Just this past week, in the Washington Post, Maryland attorneys Albert D. Brault and Timothy F. Maloney wrote an excellent article entitled, “A Standard for Fair Trials,” where they outlined several examples of prosecutorial misconduct in the form of withholding exculpatory evidence.
Continue Reading The Problem of Prosecutors Withholding Exculpatory Evidence