Terry is a big proponent of QEEG as evidence in criminal matters. (See our earlier posts for details, including " When will QEEG Brain Mapping Get Widespread Respect in Courtroom?").
His position is that the admission of QEEG evidence in the Grady Nelson death penalty trial was critical to victory in that case. For more, read the blog post "QEEG Brain Mapping Evidence and Mitigation in South Florida’s Grady Nelson Trial."
Terry’s latest:
1. Next month, Terence Lenamon will be part of a panel discussion at Fordham Law School in New York on "Neuroscience in the Courtroom," discussing "How Neuroscience Expands and Transforms Proof." Here are the details.
Advances in neuroscience are challenging conventional notions about human thought, behavior, pain, and brain injury. These developments are upending established medical concepts as well as traditional moral and ethical considerations. These insights could potentially uproot old paradigms embedded in the law and rules of evidence.
Fordham Law’s “Neuroscience in the Courtroom” has assembled a panel of world-class neuroscientists and distinguished experts, judges, and lawyers to share their knowledge and experience regarding issues posed by advances in neuroscience and neuro-imaging/investigations: diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), functional MRI (FMRI), quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG), volumetric MRI, near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS), and positron emission tomography (PET).
By casting a new light on traditional ideas regarding brain injury, pain, morality, criminal culpability, competence, objectivity/subjectivity, and causation, neuroscience presents an array of challenges that are being played out in the courtrooms of this country and globally.
Attend Fordham Law’s “Neuroscience in the Courtroom” to learn how judges and lawyers can respond to the advances, insights and challenges that neuroscience and neuro-imaging present for proof and adjudication.
The conference is designed for
Judges who will preside over cases involving neuroscience issues
Attorneys in relevant practices (e.g., personal injury, criminal, trusts and estates) who will contend with neuroscience issues with their clients
2. Terence Lenamon’s work in the Grady Nelson case, and his work with QEEG, is featured in the new textbook edition of Law and Neuroscience by Professor Owen Jones et al.
The implications for law of new neuroscientific techniques and findings are now among the hottest topics in legal, academic, and media venues. Law and Neuroscience a collaboration of professors in law, neuroscience, and biology is the first coursebook to chart this new territory, providing the world s most comprehensive collection of neurolaw materials.
Designed from the ground up with extensive e-capability in mind, with each e-chapter extensively linked to outside sources.
Technical subjects explained in an accessible and user-friendly manner.
Extensive glossary of key terms.
Covers highly current material; over 60% of the cases and publications included were published since 2008