For those like Terence Lenamon, who fight on the issues of mental illness and intellectual ability in capital punishment, the use of the "Lennie Standard" by the State of Texas comes as no surprise.  It’s been used for years.

Of Mice and Men

Thing is, lots of people weren’t aware of this standard and they are pretty shocked by it. 

What is the "Lennie Standard" used by Texas?  It refers one of the main characters in John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men. (Warning: this is a real tear jerker.  Have tissues ready.)

For details on the Lennie Standard and the current case before SCOTUS which will be reviewing its use by Texas, read the article, "Texas on trial for using fictional character in death penalty cases."

Moore v. Texas Argument November 29, 2016

The SCOTUS case?  Moore v. Texas, with oral argument scheduled for November 29, 2016.