Death Row: The Final Minutes by Michelle Lyons is a book that you may want to read, no matter your position on the death penalty. It’s a well-written memoir (consistent 4.5 and 5 star reviews, if that’s important to you).
Lyons Witnessed Hundreds of Executions
Michelle Lyons was an eyewitness to almost 300 executions by lethal injection by the State of Texas. Part of the time, she did so as a reporter. For the rest of the deaths, she was there as the media representative (spokesperson) for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
She watched the inmates die, time and time again. She also grew to know many of these men and women, as well as the staff who had the horrific responsibility of carrying out the execution. (As did her friend and predecessor Larry Fitzgerald, who figures prominently in the book).
For those interested in capital punishment, reading what Michelle Lyons has to tell us about her knowledge and perspective regarding the death penalty, the lethal injection method of execution, and how it impacts so many people is important.
Book Description From Amazon