This week, Terence Lenamon and Melissa Ortiz are defending Rod Ferrell in his resentencing hearing in Lake County, Florida.
Rod Ferrell Defense Begins Tomorrow
Today, the State rested. Over the next two days or so, the defense will present their experts and civilian witnesses in the State of Florida vs. Roderick Ferrell, Case No. 1996-CF-1913 in the Circuit Count of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, Lake County.
For more details, read:
Oxygen, February 8, 2019: “How ‘The Vampire Clan’ Went From Teen Blood Rituals To Killing Parents,” by Benjamin H. Smith; and
HuffPo, December 7, 2018: “Vampire Cult’ Killer Faces Hope Of Freedom Again After Resentencing Ends Life Term,”by David Lohr.
Vampire Clan Movies
Many may recognize the name Rod Ferrell, who was tried and sentenced in the infamous Vampire Clan case as discussed in the above news stories and whose story served as the basis of a 2002 cult-movie favorite, “Vampire Clan” and the 1999 TV movie “The Vampire Murders,” described as a movie “… [a]bout a loose-knit gang of teenagers from Murray, Kentucky, known as the “Vampire Clan”. In 1998, the leader Rod Ferrell pleaded guilty to the double slaying becoming the youngest person in the United States on Death Row.”
There is also a documentary, “Devil in Disguise,” based upon the case.