Terence Lenamon continued his capital defense of Markeith Loyd this week with motions dealing with the circumstances surrounding when shots were fired, and by who, in the WalMart encounter between defendant Markeith Loyd and police officer Debra Clayton, a lieutenant with the Orlando Police Department.  Markeith Loyd is being tried for the killing of Officer Clayton on January 9, 2017, with the State of Florida seeking the death penalty in the case.  Trial is currently set for May 2020.

Markeith Loyd Defense Motion Asks Who Shot First?

Details from the latest media coverage:

“Markeith Loyd attorneys say new evidence suggests Orlando officer fired first,” published by WKMG ClickOrlando on February 29, 2020;

Orlando officer’s accused killer readies defense: Slain cop shot first, police chief showed ‘animus and prejudice’,” written by Monivette Cordeiro and published by the Orlando Sentinel on February 28, 2020; and

“Markeith Loyd attorneys allowed extra 2 weeks to prepare for Debra Clayton murder trial,” published by WKMG ClickOrlando on February 7, 2020.