The thing about lethal injection is that it’s an execution method usually built around a combination of drugs.  And those drugs might not be the same.

Indiana 3-Drug Combo Voided by Indiana Court

For example, in Indiana the drug combination protocol established by the Indiana Department of Corrections was: (1) methoexital; (2) pancuronium bromide; and (3) potassium chloride.  The Indiana Court of Appeals nixed the use of this drug cocktail this month.  

For details, read their decision in Ward v. Carter, and the discussion at

SCOTUS Dissent By Sotomayor Questions Use of Midazolam

This month, Justice Sotomayor voiced her concerns over using midazolam in a lethal injection in her dissenting opinion in Arthur v. Dunn, writing:

"I continue to doubt whether midazolam is capable of rendering prisoners insensate to the excruciating pain of lethal injection and thus whether midazolam may be constitutionally used in lethal injection protocols."

Read the full dissent here. 

So, is this a hint that midazolam’s days are numbered as a method of execution?  And if it’s ruled out, then will states simply find another drug to use in its stead?

For more on this issue, check out: