Earlier this month, the United States Supreme Court heard argument in the case of Beach Renourishment v. Florida (08-1141), a controversy surrounding the application of the Fifth Amendment’s prohibition that “…private property [shall not] be taken for public use, without just compensation,” otherwise known as the “takings clause.” It’s an interesting situation because the real
Supreme Court of Florida
US Supreme Court Recognizes Florida Combat Veteran’s Post Traumatic Stress as Mitigating Factor Barring Death Penalty in Porter v. McCollum
Perhaps discussion of the November 30, 2009, opinion by the United States Supreme Court in Porter v. McCollum (08-10537) is best begun by reading the first paragraph of the opinion itself:
Petititioner George Porter is a veteran who was both wounded and decorated for his active participation in two major engagements during the Korean
Last week, John Marek was Executed by the State of Florida
John Marek died last Wednesday due to lethal injection at the hands of the State of Florida. His hard-working defense attorney — who had filed last minute appeals to the Supreme Court trying to keep Marek alive — didn’t go to watch. Who can blame him.
It was only a couple of weeks ago that…
Today John Marek Appeals to US Supreme Court, Scheduled to Die in 12 Days
John Marek’s attorneys are fighting hard to stop the State of Florida from killing their client.
Today, they filed an appeal with the highest court in the land, the United States Supreme Court, to try and stop the execution of John Richard Marek. With the Florida Supreme Court ruling that it will not hear…
Herman Lindsay Freed From Florida Death Row, Will David Eugene Johnston Be Next?
Earlier this month, Herman Lindsay was freed from Death Row after the Florida Supreme Court ruled that there just wasn’t enough evidence to find Mr. Lindsay guilty of anything — much less sentence him to death. Herman Lindsay became a free man this month, after being tried and convicted in 2006 for the robbery and…