CBS has made not only the video of its 60 Minutes story but the full transcript from “30 Years on Death Row” available online. 

It first aired back in October 2015, but you may have seen it earlier this month, when they shared it a second time.

Wrongful Conviction and 30 Years in Solitary Confinement on Death Row

It’s the story of how a man named Glenn Ford spent 30 years in solitary confinement on Louisana’s Death Row.  He was wrongfully convicted.  An innocent man.

Prosecutor Interview: "I was arrogant, narcissistic, caught up in the culture of winning.."

Key here is the interview the prosecutor in that case, as he explains the trial tactics and perspective of the state’s attorney in a capital case. 

Another vital message here: the fact that the defense attorneys not only had no capital murder defense expense, they did not practice criminal law at ALL.  These were two civil attorneys, going into court against an experienced prosecutor with a man’s life at stake.

Read the Transcript here.

Watch the Video here.