Today, the Supreme Court of the United States delved into the role that the criminal defense lawyer plays in a death penalty trial, where he fights for the life of his client as the state prosecutors demand capital punishment.

Defense is Complex When Death Penalty Is on the Table

It must be understood at the

 Tomorrow morning in Orlando, Terry Lenamon will be joined by his friend Rick Kammen at the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ 24th annual "Death is Different" seminar.

Lenamon and Kammen Speaking at "Death is Different" Seminar

Their presentation, entitled "Psycho Drama," begins at 10:30 a.m and concludes at noon.


Recently, Scott Glovsky interviewed Terry Lenamon for Trial Lawyer Talk.

Interview of Death Penalty Defense Lawyer Terence Lenamon

Included in the interview is a discussion of Terry’s recent representation of Byron Burch.

Terry’s client faced prosecutors seeking his death based upon a guilty verdict in the particularly violent murder of Brooksville schoolteacher Sarah Davis.

 Here is the transcript of the closing argument made by Terence Lenamon in the death penalty case of James Edward Bannister.  

Lenamon Closing Argument in Death Penalty Phase:  

The jury did note vote for death after hearing this argument.  Why not?  Read it for yourself.

For more on the James Bannister case, read:

Opening Statements

Over in California, lawyer Scott Glovsky creates podcasts of his talks with fellow trial attorneys, those he considers to be the great trial lawyers in the United States today, published on his site as "Trial Lawyer Talk." 

Terry Lenamon Interview: "Trial Lawyer Talk"

This month, he spoke with Terence Lenamon.  It’s a lawyer to lawyer

 Last week, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) published its decision in McWilliams v. Dunn, a capital case coming out of Alabama where Death Row Inmate James McWilliams argued  and won that his sentencing was unconstitutional.  He did not challenge his conviction.

Independent Mental Health Expert for Death Penalty Defendants in Capital