Tomorrow morning in Orlando, Terry Lenamon will be joined by his friend Rick Kammen at the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ 24th annual "Death is Different" seminar.

Lenamon and Kammen Speaking at "Death is Different" Seminar

Their presentation, entitled "Psycho Drama," begins at 10:30 a.m and concludes at noon.

Both Terence Lenamon and Rick Kammen are experienced death penalty defense attorneys with national reputations for fighting against capital punishment in this country.  For those unable to attend, FACDL offers recorded seminars for purchase. 

Terrorist Boyz Trial 

Those following this blog are aware that Terry Lenamon is currently involved in jury selection for the Terrorist Boyz capital murder trial of Frantzy Jean-Marie. 

Gitmo USS Cole

Many may also recognize Rick Kammen as a death penalty defense attorney based in Indianapolis who resigned from USS Cole representation due to bugs compromising the criminal defense. 

See today’s Miami Herald article by Carol Rosenberg for details, entitled "Pentagon: Microphone? What microphone?"

Here are their bios as provided in the seminar materials:

Richard Kammen, Esq.

Richard Kammen is a criminal defense lawyer with his office in Indianapolis, Indiana. He concentrates his practice in serious felonies, white-collar defense, complex crimes and death penalty defense. He is a member of the law firm of Kammen and Moudy. 

He graduated from Ripon College cum laude in 1968 and New York University School of Law in 1971.  Admitted to the Bar in 1971, he began his practice after service in the United States Army.

During his professional career, Mr. Kammen has served as a public defender in the Marion County Courts on two occasions, 1972-1974 and 1978-1979.  Mr. Kammen has defended over three hundred homicide cases including approximately forty death penalty cases in both State and Federal courts. No client that Mr. Kammen has represented at trial has been sentenced to death.  

Terence Lenamon, Esq.

Terence M. Lenamon is capital defense attorney in Miami and a Resource Lawyer and Co-Founder of Florida Capital Resource Center, an organization dedicated to training Florida capital attorneys.

Mr. Lenamon is a graduate of Gerry Spence’s Trial Lawyer’s College and has taught numerous training sessions throughout the state on techniques in mitigation investigation, jury selection, the art of the closing argument, and creative brief writing in capital cases. He frequently writes about death penalty issues on his blog at