In 2002, the United States Supreme Court handed down Atkins v. Virginia – that’s less than ten years ago.  Hard to believe, in many ways.

In 2009, Bruce Winick, Professor of Law and Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, and Director, Therapeutic Jurisprudence Center, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, published an article in the

The decision made by the State of Florida attorneys today is making national news:  prosecutors have decided that they will not seek the death penalty in their prosecution of Jason Rodriguez. 

Mr.Rodriguez is accused of shooting several people in an Orlando office building last November, killing one person and wounding five others.  Jason Rodriguez

The constitutional right to counsel for those who cannot afford their own lawyer means that the government foots the bill for the defendant’s legal counsel. This is true for a great many criminal cases (and the expansion of the right to counsel continues with the United States Supreme Court), but it is especially important when the

The Florida Capital Resource Center is non-profit and nonpartisan. Its goal is to assist attorneys throughout Florida who are representing indigent defendants facing the possibility of capital punishment.   

At the Florida Capital Resource Center, resources will be continually compiled by fellow Florida criminal defense attorneys and offered to Florida death penalty defense lawyers as a means to assist and

It’s been a long week for everyone.  The younger Dubose Brothers were given life sentences by another jury last week, and this week all eyes have been upon the men and women setting in a Jacksonville, Florida, courtroom who are hearing evidence as part of Rasheem Dubose’s sentencing phase.

Will Rasheem Dubose be given the